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Thank you to everyone who have responded to this page so far. This site was created in haste in the days immediately following the terroist attack on the United States. Our focus now is the healing of our collective psyche from these events. I am in the process of re-orienting Liberty and Freedom to act as a space for people to express their personal experience of this tragedy and as a lasting monument to how we all were touched by these events. I will continue to provide links to relevent information regarding the on-going military action. However, these space is dedicated to peace, to tolerance, and to the values which were attacked that fateful day, and those we are now defending: Liberty and Freedom for all people. To contribute EMAIL me you art/writing. Thank You. |
Like all people in the civilized world I was stunned to witness the terrifying attack on the United States and on all human freedom September 11, 2001. The grief and rage at the needless human suffering is unbearable without a suitable release, and for myself, I have chosen to begin this website as a forum for the resilience of the human spirit with the hope that a more peaceful and understanding world will emerge from this our defence of world human rights. For an excellent interactive animation of the details of the attack CLICK HERE. |
There is a covenant between all living things, and at this crucial and difficult time we must come together not only as allies with a common enemy, but also as a world nation of spiritual brothers and sisters so as to temper our defence of our freedom with both wisdom and mercy. We must learn to accept the loss we have collectively suffered, and heal our shock at this most terrible breach of our freedoms. |
the coming days, weeks, and longer, we as human being will be subject
to many conflicting notions about appropriate action in defence of our
freedoms: social, cultural, political and religious. I am committed to
providing an on-going independent commentary of the events as they unfold,
in addition to providing a forum for all world citizens to contribute
their ideas, opinions, or dissent. |
Post your opinion or respond to other people's views. | Come join our chatroom and discuss the events with others |
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SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 I am an average person who was struck personally like so many others, as I witnessed the plane crash into the world trade centre. A friend of mine worked there, and thankfully, was out of the office on the fateful day. But for a time the anxiety I felt at unknowing made this psychologically a profound event for me. I thank God for the safety of Rick, who is happily together with wife Daphne, and son Eric. Like for so many others, the images of destruction and suffering created fear, hatred, anger, resentment and uncertainty in me. As a way for me to understand these events I am making this webpage. We have all undergone a terrible shock and we must treat ourselves and others with respect and understanding while we process these events. To learn more about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, CLICK HERE. One can suffer from PTSD even if you witnessed these events on Television.
This is even for more difficult for children who seek to understand these events as much as we do. Parents and teachers have a sensitive task to help them come to terms with this disaster. Here are some professional tips and support: Quick Tips for Parents |
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Once the shock sank in, the sorrow, the implications, of this attack, we as humans, responding to the needless sacrifice of our brothers and sisters, got angry. Already only a couple of days after the attack this graphic appears on the internet expressing the profound desire for retribution. This reaction is helpful in our coping, faced with what Mr. Bush refers to as an "invisible enemy", we feel helpless without an object for our hostility and anger. We contitnue to pray for everyone, especially our leaders, not to react in anger but to act with wisdom in the necessary defence of our long won human freedoms. We must ensure that our emotions do not get the better of us in treating muslim or arab friends as if they all were our enemies. The exercise of human tolerance and freedom are the values we are defending here, and so we must act with the highest respect and regard for everyone.
This is the face of the man who is apparently behind these attacks. He is a radical Islamic fundamentalist who is trying to start a Holy War (J'had) against our collective civilization. This man is not sanctioned by in any way either the holy text of Islam (Koran, which accepts Jesus Christ as one of the holiest men ever) or the people who practise this religion of peace and acceptance today. Undoubtedly his actions must be seen as those of a madman. |
Islam is a religion whose followers are not terrorists but pious and humble servants of their beliefs and express the values which all people's would consider religious. Please do not mistake these holy people for the insane man pictured above. |
Mr. Bush has so far expressed a powerful and compassionate leadership. As we await his plan over this weekend we offer our prayers for those workers who continue in the resuce efforts, for the families of victims for whom we hope their prayers will be answered, and for our leaders to act with wisdom and ethics. A full two-thirds of Americans support Mr. Bush in a poll published Sunday 16, 2001. Read thr President's words of support at the White House website. CLICK HERE. For another site with excellent links and resources CLICK HERE for Noble Eagle More to come as the story unfolds. If you have anything you would like to add or if you would like me to link to your site please EMAIL ME.
NYC firefighters and police had such huge losses this week. The heartbreaking stories of heroism and commitment in the face of disaster stand as examples of the best that humanity can offer. While there is no final number of how many were lost, it is likely in the hundreds. Please help out the families of these heroes by making a donation to their association. CLICK HERE |
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The site has only been up one day and already I have two great contributions. Thanks to my father who mailed this graphic it to me this morning along with these words: "I can only express my gratitude for your site. Through yourself and others like you can we come to grips with what is happening to or world. It is very much different today than on Sept. 10. Tthe 11th will live on in the memory of those who died for generations to come." Thanks Dad. Please email me anything you feel should be posted in this chronicle. |
Glad to get this email this morning too, and happy to post these sentiments from Toronto and from the Dalai Lama: I think your site
is great. Here is a quote from The Dalai Lama's B.H. Toronto, ON, Canada. Sept 16/01
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Monday September 17, 2001: The American Stock Markets re-open |
It is no suprise that the markets stumbled today after the uncertainty of the weeks evernts. This is something that we will have to watch for the months to come as the military situation becomes clearer. Monday also brought calls for changes to the investigative powers of the FBI and CIA to aid in rooting out terrorists. We must all be cautious that we do not give away the very rights we are trying to protect. Also stories of attacks against Arab LOOKING people in America. Please use discretion and common sense. Fear can make people do things they will regret later. If you are building up hostility toward people because of their enthnicity, go bowling or something to get rid of those feelings before it is too late. Mostly today is a day of waiting, as Pakistani officials send envoys to Afganistan to try and make a deal for bin Laden.
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These words arrived from a friend in Florida today: "Bin Laden is Robin Hood of the modern era; he is supported by desperate disenfranchised people who are fighting the Sherif of Nottingham. I cannot forgive what the son of a bitch did, BUT he does look exactly like an Englishman named Robin Hood, who looked, to his people in those desperatedays, like the Saviour!"
Tuesday----1 Week after the attacks. | ||||||||
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And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. MAT 7:3-5. |
Jerry and Pat genuinely believe that the acceptance of sexual and gender minorities will lead to God's judgment and wrath against our nation. Jerry and Pat are not phony. They are fundamentalist Christians and like fundamentalist Muslims, Hindus, and Jews, fundamentalist Christians are known by their "urge to purge." They believe they are called to "cleanse" society of all they find "unclean" and by cleansing society they will "save it."
As an alternative to doctrinal misinterpretation and hatred, we offer these links which offer silly alternatives to following any of these bigoted charlitans who would convince their followers to go against the very God they claim to represent. | |||||||||
Click Here to Light a Candle Against Terrorism. This is a wonderful link, pass it on. |
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